Why Do People Seek Counselling?
There are many reasons that people seek counselling. Emotional problems in relationships and for individuals often can arise in the following areas: relationship stress, grief, life transitions, divorce, job changes, and parenting. Those are some of the common challenges that most of us are likely to face at some point in our lives. When life overwhelms and burdens us with stress, we can all benefit from unbiased professional support.
Startling research shows that most couples wait six years before getting help. That almost always leads to much more entrenched problems.
The good news is that a skilled and experienced counsellor is generally effective in providing relief to clients—often in the first session. That’s because it can be liberating to express oneself and feel really heard and understood. Therapy is a safe opportunity to talk about your needs, experiences, and concerns, and to gain support without having to attend to the needs of the listener or worry about how you will be perceived.
So why do people seek counseling? The short answer is that it works. And it’s soothing. And it improves the quality of our lives. I’ll touch a bit more of the effectiveness of counselling next week.